I opened the art gallery in 1993 and started off by making solo expositions with gaspesian artists such as Suzanne Guité, John Wiseman, Yves Gonthier, Annette Bujold, marie-josée Tommi and many others

As time goes on, I choose to gather regional artists for seasonal presentations. During the season 2015, the Hotel's Art Gallery exposed, on the eight walls, paintings of seven artists; Amongst them: Raymond Quirion, France Beaudry, Johanne Landry, Margot Mérette, Yves Gonthier, Marie-Josée Tommi, and Gilles Côté.

Afterall, the Gallery is following through towards a lovely new generation of fine artists which will happen to seduce and embellish the duration of this splendid cozy art corner, and of course, the amateurs of art.

To add up, it is a fine art and craft boutique where you can purchase local pottery, a good choice of canadian reproductions, art cards and silk goods.

Welcome to all.